Treatment during Level 2 - what are we doing to minimise risk?
Treatment during Level 2 - what are
we doing to minimise risk?
Studies suggest that the risk for developing an infectious disease through dental practice appears to be low. So why is it so nerve-wracking to ring up and make an appointment? We want to go through the actual risks that you face as our patient, and how we are managing these.
What should I do if I have symptoms?
The moderate symptoms of COVID-19 include coughing, fever, muscle pain, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, and the chills. If you are experiencing any of these at all, we do NOT recommend making an appointment. We advise that you contact your GP, or call the coronavirus hotline on 0800 358 5453.
I have no symptoms, but I’m feeling nervous about coming in...
We understand that we have a lot of patients who are at risk, or nervous about leaving their homes. This is understandable, however you should know that we are using advanced PPE, continued care with sterilising our instruments, and screening patients on entry for temperature and symptoms. All of this is to protect both you and our staff from infection.
Can’t I just wait until this has all blown over?
A huge portion of our patients are victims of gum disease, an aggressive, chronic condition that needs consistent treatment and observation. Our recommendation to these patients is to schedule an appointment as soon as possible, to avoid backsliding into worse conditions.
For our patients considering elective surgery - such as dental implants or soft tissue grafting - we simply want to say that your comfort is a priority, and we would love to see you and renew your smile as soon as possible.
Okay okay, I see what you’re saying… So how do I book?
You can either call us on 09 524 2855, or follow this link for more information.
At Noble Dental, your health is our priority. If you are suffering from anxiety in regards to your treatment with us, please call our friendly team so we can find a solution for you.
For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit the New Zealand Government’s dedicated website.