Money, Money, Money - Dental Health During a Recession

Image of a jar of coins that has been tipped over

Research suggests that a primary reason for patients avoiding follow-up periodontal appointments was that they had financial concerns about treatment. This aligns with what we have seen at our practice, and unfortunately this often means that their condition deteriorates to the point where their teeth are beyond saving. 

Almost everyone has had that dream where their teeth all fall out - and that is exactly what we try to prevent. Gum disease is chronic - a condition that can not be cured - but must be controlled with Supportive Periodontal Therapy (or ‘SPT’s). If left untreated, it will eat away at the tissue that keeps your teeth in place. Much like you would get your regular haircut, or your weekly shop, these appointments are an unavoidable cost, and we would like to help you with some options on budgeting for them. 


The easiest place to start is your budget. It sounds obvious to some, but saving little bits of money each week for your health care costs can prevent huge spending in the future. Perhaps for every coffee you buy, you set aside five dollars in a separate account. Or for every pay check you receive, you allocate ten percent to medical expenses. This way, when you are at the front desk needing to pay for your treatment, you have the money right there - ready to go. 

Q Card

We understand that not everyone has the means or the time to do this kind of budgeting, so another option is the Q Card service. Q Card is similar to other credit cards, but you are able to apply for a 3-12 month, interest-free service, so you can pay it off as you need.* Many of our patients love Q Card, as it is a stress-free payment plan - no loan sharks allowed!

Talk to Us

What many people don’t realise is that our team are experienced in working with people on a budget. We can help you figure out the best course of action that stays within your means. We can’t emphasise this strongly enough though - you pay for what you get. Don’t always look for the cheapest option - because often-times the money you are saving is money they aren’t spending on high-quality, well-researched methods and materials. Click here to see our blog on the dangers of tourism dentistry. 

If you’d like to talk to our friendly team, call us on 09 524 2855 today. 

Katie L.